Love Dare Day 16 2024

Love Dare Day 16

Greetings to you dear friends, whom I love in truth.

Grace and peace be yours in a measure that you simply must share with others around you.

As Christians, Oftentimes in our marriages ( and life in general) we pray as a last resort, or as a chore ( to check the " I'm a good christian" box off our daily to do list).

Yet God has given us prayer for so much more. We have the opportunity to speak directly to the God of the Universe. The Creator and Sustainer of all things. The Alpha and the Omega. The one in whom we live and move and have our being.
Yet we have very little to say to Him unless there is a serious emergency.

Today, our marriage will give us an opportunity to turn this thinking around and bless our spouse beyond measure by asking God to strengthen, protect, grow, help, support, and transform our spouse.

Before doing the dare below, take a few moments to start by asking God for Wisdom as to what you should be praying for regarding your spouses needs. Then, get to it.
Pray for your spouse daily, starting today ( not to make them better for you, but to grow closer to God). This is one of the greatest acts of love that you can offer. 

Much love and many blessings in Christ!

Remember- Faith without works is dead. Don't just read todays dare. GO DO IT!

Love is a commitment and requires work, but it is worth it and brings ETERNAL gain.

Day 16: Love intercedes
Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.
—3 John 2

Begin praying today for your spouse’s heart. Pray for three specific areas where you desire for God to work in your spouse’s life and in your marriage.