Love Dare Day 5 2024

Love Dare Day 5

Good morning to you who were saved and remade to see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit and be made more and more like him as you are changed into his glorious image - !
Grace and peace in Christ Jesus to you all, blessed family of God!

Today, we undertake day 5 of the Love Dare - (The Dare is at the bottom of the page) Todays is a bit more challenging than the first 4.  We have to set time aside to ask our spouse to be our mirror. You actually have to ask them to illuminate and point some flaws in you that they see !

This is difficult, because sometimes, we have a lot of ugly within us that we wont see unless we have that mirror, but oftentimes, we are offended  when we are confronted with the truth that there are things in us that dont bring glory to God. With our words and actions, we can be harsh, we can be critical, we can be uncaring, cold, aloof, sarcastic, and the list goes on. Oftentimes, we dont even know we are doing it and our spouses are afraid to tell us, or sure we wont listen or will justify the behavior anyways.

Sadly, we often do this with our spouse and hide it everywhere else, which also makes us liars, 2 faced and hypocrites. These things are all sinful and show a rotten heart condition, and this way leads to death of our relationship with God, and eventually our marriages.

Todays help is to focus on giving our spouse the green light to be a mirror for our behavior so that we can make changes to be more like Jesus ( and better display the Love that He has for us).

Remember- reading this and pondering it isnt the same as doing it. Love is a commitment and requires work, but it is worth it!

Day 5: Love is not rude
He who blesses his friend with a loud voice early in the morning, it will be reckoned a curse to him.
—Proverbs 27:14

Ask your spouse to tell you three things that cause him or her to be uncomfortable or irritated with you. You must do so without attacking them or justifying your behavior. This is from their perspective only.