Love Dare Day 7 2024

Love Dare Day 7

Good morning to you Beloved sons and daughters of God,  who have been born of God and know God!

May Gods Love be reflected in all that you do today, as you love your spouse and show / share the Gospel in your thoughts, Words and deeds!

Today we are on Day 7 of the Love dare- We are one week in!

As we look at todays dare, we begin to notice that our enemy, the liar, the deceiver and the defeated foe ( the Lord rebuke and condemn him) has been working overtime in our hearts and mindset convince us to define our spouse as a sum of their failures and faults instead of Gods creation ( and child if they know and follow Jesus). This leads us to see our spouses in a negative light, and eventually makes us believe that they are against us, or could care less for us. This leads us (if we feed our flesh on this diet of disdain and disregard) to be constantly negative towards our spouse ( or cold to them ) and leads to hopelessness, ambivalence and / or give up on growing closer to them. In effect, the enemies lies have convinced us to see our spouses in a way different than Jesus sees them, leading us to treat them differently than God commands and then justify our actions because of how we see them. The enemy is a liar and its incredibly simple to poke massive holes in these lies, and let the light of truth in.

Todays dare does just that- It lets the hope of Gods love, grace, power and holiness replace the darkness of hopelessness in a marriage. You AND your spouse WILL grow in Christ and become more like Him, day by day, if you walk forward in faithfulness to His Word. Even if you are in a hard season of marriage( or just stuck in a very boring and blah season), there is a hope for a future that leads into eternity if you trust and follow God and His Word. God made you, He designed marriage to be VERY good, and He is the author and perfecto of our faith.

That's what todays love dare is about. Destroying the wicked/evil works of the enemy in our relationships with our spouses and so rekindle the HOPE that God can and WILL build HIS kingdom, RIGHT IN our hearts, marriages and homes.

Remember- Faith without works is dead. Don't just read todays dare. GO DO IT!

Love is a commitment and requires work, but it is worth it and brings ETERNAL gain.

Day 7: Love believes the best
[Love] believes all things, hopes all things.
—1 Corinthians 13:7

For today’s dare, get two sheets of paper. On the first one, spend a few minutes writing out positive things about your spouse. Then do the same with negative things on the second sheet. Place both sheets in a secret place for another day. There is a different purpose and plan for each. At some point during the remainder of the day today, pick a positive attribute from the first list and thank your spouse for having this characteristic.